相比第一季感觉这季有点为了政治正确而政治正确所以也说不出有什么大问题但偶尔也有不由得被戳中的地方从头到尾最喜欢的还是Denise邪恶道acg还有每次一出场就超级尴尬的Dev爸妈以及我真的没看出来Francesca是female lead(she's kinda ideally perfect but boring actually)这大概是这季最大的问题
4 盐里带糖嘿嘿 humpy都哭唧唧了 6 Stage 1: Nothing is going to happen. Stage 2: Something may be going to happen, but we should do nothing about it. Stage 3: Maybe we SHOULD do something about it, but there is nothing we CAN do. Stage 4: Maybe there was something we could have done, but it's too late now.